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The Unseen.

Tsetse Fly, 2022,
Mixed-media (electronic waste), Dimensions: 90cm (w) x 70cm (l) x 70cm (h)

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What goes unseen, unfelt, unheard? These artworks are testament to the inevitable life-cycle of technology. Science and technology express the echoes of our existence in the universe, but what happens when these echoes pose risks to humans, “more than humans” and the planet?


The works featured here provide perspectives and insight into the complex entanglements of humans, technology and the earth. They point toward the vital technological systems around us as well as their inevitable disposal. Our hope is to combine the dynamics of human society with nonhuman ecologies, highlighting the infinite feedback systems that flow through and impact our world.


The six artworks chosen here pervert technological correctness: they are a testament to the inevitability rather than the novelty of technology. These pieces intervene in the growing demand for technology and the unseen extraction and technological waste in the face of
global consumption. In doing so, these creative works investigate and interrogate the relationship between humans and technology, so as to reestablish a sustainable and balanced relationship with the earth.

You Made This is an art based initiative centered on raising public awareness & engagement around the issues of electronic waste (eWaste). YMT promotes proper disposal of eWaste, the fastest-growing waste source. Through art collaborations, YMT encourages a circular economy of refurbished electronics. YMT's mission is to shift consumer habits, prevent landfill eWaste, and advocate for a greener future. #YouMadeThis #Xperien #eWasteArt #eWaste #Charity #ArtCharity #UNGlobalCompact #UNSDG #CSI #CSR #CircularEconomy #RedefiningSustainability #ESG #CorporateResponsibility #Sustainability #ClimateAction #Art #SouthAfricanArt #Artwork #ArtGallery #ContemporaryArt #Sculpture #ModernArt #ArtForSale #SouthAfrica #GreenArt #DrowningPlanet #YMT

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